Miss Natural

Don’t Worry Be Happy Spray with Worry Doll

Sale price Price $16.00 Regular price

‘Don’t worry, be happy’ spray. This is a spray especially for children to spray either on a tissue to help relieve mild anxiety or to spray on these gorgeous ‘Worry dolls’ The Guatemalan worry people is a story that when the Mayan people of Guatemala have worries they tell them to the worry dolls & then put them under their pillow at night by morning the worry dolls have taken all their worries away! They come with their own little bags to keep the dolls in & are suitable for both boys & girls & come in a range of colours. 

Miss Natural has carefully chosen an appropriate, safe dilution blend for children. A little spray will go a long way. Spray & doll come together.

Team this spray up with talking to their doll & getting all their worries off their chest, relaxation exercises, meditation for kids, simple stretches & breathing techniques can help make a difference. 

Not recommended for under 2yr olds. 

Is their someone little in your life with big emotions that could use our ‘Don’t worry be happy spray?’